Can Dry Cleaning Help your Clothes Last Longer

Many of us look at dry cleaning as a very simple thing and believe that the process is only meant for delicate clothes. However, do you know that dry cleaning can make your clothes last longer? Below are some tips and understanding of the things that happen when you send your clothes to the dry cleaner.

Increased Lifespan for Clothing

Dry cleaning is a simple way to clean your clothes without the use of water. It is true that the process does not use water, but this does not mean that the process is completely dry. It uses a petroleum-based solvent named perchloroethylene or perc to dissolve oils and dirt clinging to the clothes, without damaging the fabric in any way. Below are a few reasons to clarify how the dry cleaning process can make your clothes last longer.

Gentle Wash Cycles

Some fabric materials are very sensitive to water immersion and heat agitations offered by most of the commercial washers. As the drums of dry cleaning machines tumble more gently and slowly, and because the process does not use any water, it will be good for your delicate clothes. In fact, clothes do not experience much wear and tear when they are dry cleaned.

Preserving Fabric Quality

It is true that shrinkage and tears are awful, but these are not the only ways in which machine wash can damage your clothes. Machine-washing delicate fabrics like wool can make the material blotchy and frayed. Instead of using detergent and hot water, dry cleaning uses a mild cleaning solvent to clean your clothes, which preserves the texture and color of the fabric in a better way.

Removing Tough Stains

The dry cleaning solvent is capable of penetrating deeply into the clothing. This will help to dissolve and remove tough stains like oil and grease, which decreases the value of the garment. The process of dry cleaning can also remove odors from clothes and help you maintain the fresh and new look for a very long time.

These are some of the ways in which dry cleaning can help your clothes last longer. Professional dry cleaners like Royal Couture will be able to provide special attention to all clothes that need extra care.


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